In Loving Memory of
Christian Thomas Clopp
This page is dedicated to my guardian angel, the strongest and most courageous little 8-year-old boy I ever met, Christian. Going through weeks of radiation together at the same time every morning at the University of Penn, my Mother and I became extremely close with Christian and his family. Each Friday we would try to bring in a small toy for him- his eyes always lit up. You would never see him without a smile. On the last day of our 8 weeks or so of daily radiation treatment, I had the honor to ring the bell with him. I never thought that a complete stranger, at the time, would have impacted my life so greatly. I am absolutely honored to have met you and spent the time I did with you Christian. You have made such a huge imprint on my life. Thank you for always lighting up the room with your contagious smile and giving me the inspiration to keep fighting every day. You still are my inspiration. Please continue to watch over all of us!
- We love you bud!